Our Outreach

"Go into all the world and preach the gospel."

Our church believes we must tend to both the spiritual and humanitarian needs of people everywhere. We strive to share the love of Christ and present the claims of the gospel and win people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and His Grace.

In keeping with our Lord's teaching to feed the hungry, we provide clothing, shelter and medical care to those who are hurting in this world. Our mission works are based on a established criteria, representing local, state, national, and worldwide Christian ministries, in accordance with the church goals.

Our missionary work is a priority for our church. We give of our talents, time and treasure. Of every dollar collected by our church, we allocate 25% to our mission work. We are committed to showing the love of Christ and sharing the Good News of the Gospel locally and around the world.

Jesus said:

"and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth." 

Acts 1:8