Mission Selection Criteria & Procedures
Mission Selection Criteria & Procedures
Approved April 13, 2020
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you…"
Rationale: The Bible directs good stewardship in using the gifts we have been given to advance the Church. This process for selecting missions is intended to provide a framework towards that end and additionally should lead the Mission Committee and church members to a more complete understanding of the missions we could and/or do support.
Goal: It is our goal that good stewardship in respect to mission selection will be evidenced by prayerful, orderly, and mindful consideration of all opportunities to support Christian missions and that this process will help us to discern and select missions that match our capabilities for prayer, monetary and volunteer support with missions needing these resources. We need to be conscious of and in recognition of Mercy; to comfort and empathize with their monetary needs, spiritual needs and or distresses. Further, we desire that this mission evaluation and selection process will lead to increased awareness of new opportunities to expand Pebble Creek Community Church's role in advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Timelines: Our financial commitment to the various Missions will be reviewed annually and an annual budget submitted to the Finance Committee at a time that will allow Elder Board Approval and notification to occur in time for year-end planning by these ministries. Generally, this would mean completion of this review by mid-September. Ideally new missions should be reviewed as part of this same process although special circumstances and immediate needs should always be considered.
Information Required: Our support of the various missions will depend on identified need as presented to the Committee. To this end we require that each mission provide base information and regular reports outlining progress and specific needs.
The base information will include:
1. Biographical information on the principals of the mission
2. A Mission Statement of Purpose
3. A Vision or Goals Statement
4. A Statement of the Mission's Values
5. Specific information outlining the Ministry's Spiritual and/or Humanitarian Outreach including:
a. Location of mission
b. Targeted Population
c. Length of Service
d. Method of Outreach
e. Projects in which the ministry is currently involved.
f. Future projects which the ministry is planning.
g. Evidence of Success.
6. Current financial support structure and specific financial needs.
7. Other opportunities for service open for PCCC beyond financial support.
Criteria: These criteria are intended to guide the Missions Committee in evaluating the information provided by current or potential missions. They should be used in conjunction with direct input from the Pastor, the Mission Coordinator or church members who are most familiar with the mission. The Church Leadership should always be informed when changes or additions are being considered. Most importantly, the application of these criteria should be consistent with Holy Scriptures and always open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
1. Each Mission should support the goals of the Missions Committee:
a. Proven effective in presenting the claims of the gospel and winning people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
b. Proven effective in keeping with our Lord's teaching to feed the hungry and to provide clothes, shelter, and medical care to those in need.
c. Contributes to a balanced of 70% missions addressing spiritual needs and 30% towards meeting humanitarian purposes. The needs of American Indians should be considered as a part of our portfolio of missions.
d. Contributes to a balance of local, state, national and worldwide Christian Ministries.
2. Each Mission should require the financial support of Pebble Creek Community Church. (Our contribution should make a real difference).
3. Each Mission should provide a mechanism and opportunity to use the God Given gifts of the Pebble Creek Community Church members in ways beyond financial support. (Examples: Volunteer opportunities, mission trips, prayer support, etc.).
4. The Mission should be respectful of the national, cultural and language traditions of those being served.
5. Each Mission should proactively communicate on the progress of its work and any special needs through the assigned Mission Coordinator.
6. Evangelical Missions will effort towards self-sustaining growth.
7. Whenever possible, humanitarian missions should promote self-sustaining improvements and guard against institutionalized dependence or fraud.
8. The missions will be models of good stewardship with all funds entrusted to them.
Revised 4.13.2020 based on comments submitted to the Missions Committee and suggested by members of the Missions Committee.
On-line approval vote on April 13, 2020