"Tell Someone!"
You Can Share The Good New
by Greg Laurie
reviewed by Rev. Bob Ripley
July 8, 2020
Published: February 1, 2016
Length: 131 pages (hardcover)
Price: $8.49 (Amazon - paperback)
$5.00 (ChristianBook - ebook)
Reader Ratings:
Amazon.com: 4.7 stars out of 5 (112 ratings)
ChristianBook.com: 5.00 stars out of 5 (7 ratings)
This book is not written to make you feel bad or condemn you if you have not engaged others with the gospel message. This book is written to encourage and inspire you.
Even though pastor and author Greg Laurie is a "gospel-presenting professional," in this book he tells stories of his own failure and success. The most important things you will find here are biblical principles that you can apply yourself. Taken from the life and witness of Jesus, and tested over Greg's forty years of ministry, in both one-on-one experiences and large-scale evangelistic arena and stadium events, these ideas are intended to mobilize every person in the church to "Tell Someone" about Jesus Christ.
About the Author:
Greg Laurie is the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside and Irvine California. In 1990, Laurie began holding large-scale public evangelistic events called Harvest Crusades. Since that time, more than 5,242,000 people have attended Harvest Crusades events around the United States, and in Australia and New Zealand. More importantly, more than 439,900 people have registered professions of faith through these outreaches. Greg and his wife Cathe have two sons, Christopher and Jonathan, and five grandchildren.
Review: (Rev. Bob Ripley)
In the foreword of this book Mr. Laurie says "This book is not written to make you feel bad or condemn you if you have not engaged others with the gospel message. This book is written to encourage and inspire you." How true that really is. In a scant 131 pages, Greg Laurie gives the do's and don'ts of effective witnessing. He focuses on the message and how our personal story can be one of our most powerful tools in sharing the gospel. This a book for those who have never shared with others or a good refresher for those who have been sharing their story for years. Don't miss your opportunity to tell someone.
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